USB to WiFi

Add WiFi to your equipment

USB to WiFi device

Our USB to WiFi cutting-edge device will allow you to access data off of a shared network directory. This innovative tool simplifies the way you connect and retrieve information. Whether you’re in the office, at home, or on the go, you’ll have secure access to essential data stored on your network.

Enjoy the convenience of wireless data retrieval, making your workflow more efficient and flexible than ever before.

Wireless File and Data Sharing for almost any equipment

with USB compatibility

The USB to WiFi device acts as a normal USB memory stick but, reads off of a remote PC directory instead of physically storing data on the USB stick.

This will give you the ability to read data and files from a remote terminal even if your equipment does not have the ability to upgrade to wireless.

Share files and directories across many devices and equipment.

Easy Setup. No drivers required.

Looking transfer data from your PC to your equipment wirelessly?

Our USB to WiFi device will allow you to access data off of a shared network directory.


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